Название (рус): Адаптивное управление нормативами технической эксплуатации автомобилей

Название (англ.): Adaptive control of transport technicalexploiting

Секция: Секция 5. Информационные технологии в инженерно-техническом обеспечении АПК

Авторы (рус.): Гребенников А.С., Гребенников С.А., Петров М.Г., Фокин В.В.

Авторы (англ.): Grebennikov A.S., Grebennikov S.A., Petrov M.G., Fokin V.V.

Аннотация (рус.): -

Аннотация (англ.): The existing methodology of preventive control-adjusting operation realization provides reduction of structural and diagnostic parameters to the rigidly regulated average specifications and does not take into account individual fluctuation of concrete object condition of the automobile, and, consequently, not completely realizes its technical and economic opportunities. The modern approach to maintenance of serviceability and management of stock of cars technical condition in exploiting requires a combination of traditional planned precautionary maintenance system and repair technologies with individual response on time history of a technical condition in each of them.